A Vision for Developing Excellence in Career Counselling.

It is an impression that you require education for all purposes and examinations, ordinary or professional, except career-related examinations which are always specialized in their nature and needs. Most of the career-related and civil or professional services-related examinations are having special syllabi and courses according to specialized needs and requirements of the concerned departments and organizations. Thus, it is illogical argument that there is no need of any preparation for such specialized professional and civil services- related examinations due to their particular and special requirements. But there are no specialized educational institutions for preparation/coaching, training, guidance and counselling of intended candidates in the country except a few facilities for the candidates of under-developed regions and provinces like Sindh in some universities of the province for preparing, guiding and counselling them for civil service examination-related matters. But it is a question that why such facilities are not extended to candidates of the other areas, regions and provinces as they are also having same type of disabilities and deficiencies. Therefore, it is the requirement of all the intending candidates to avail some institutional facility for professional and civil service or career-related examinations keeping in view their specialized requirements for success. In fact, this was the reason behind the idea of a career planning academy.

I have successfully attempted many Professional and Competitive Examinations conducted by different organizations and institutions i.e. Private and Public Organizations and Institutions like Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions. However, I was unable to avail the facility of an institution which may help me providing guidance and counselling about Career Selection and Choice. It has forced me to make a commitment with myself to work for the establishment of an Institution which may guide and lead the young generation of this nation for proper and suitable selection and choice of their future careers and career-related preparation/coaching, guidance and counselling, according to their aptitudes and bent of minds with proper facility of institutional preparation.

This idea remained dormant in my mind for a long time because it was not possible without availability of reasonable financial resources for materializing it into a reality and project on ground. I have started this academy in a rented building in 1994 but again financial problems and meagre resources in comparison with rising rents in Islamabad forced me to close or shift this project from one place to another. It also remained located some times in Blue Area but again rising rent demands had not allowed me to work for the success of this project because I only wish to run it on “No Profit, No Loss Basis” so that everyone, rich or poor, may avail a quality preparation/coaching, guidance and counselling facility at affordable expense.

Now, Career Planning Academy or CPA has been established in such a premises which is not supposed to be disturbed at least in near future.

CPI, in fact, is the result of a collective wisdom and efforts of my friends and colleagues in the educational institutions and public service who are also providing their expert and esteemed services whenever required for the future-building of the young generation of this nation.

CPI is based on a vision to guide the young generation for their future planning without economic exploitation. So that everybody may avail expert guidance and counselling for his future career planning and selection in a systematised and well-planned manner.

CPI is preparing for excellence in careers by providing effective guidance and training in skills and techniques for ultimate success without wasting your precious time in your best interests.