Basics of Computer: Short and Long Term Courses are developed for Computer literacy. These programmes spread over 02 weeks to 04 months according to requirements and choice of the learner. Regular practical exercises and INTERNAL TESTING SYSTEM (ITS) is used to assess and evaluate the progress of the learner.
MS Office with Word, Excel, Power Point, Coral, etc: Short and Long Term Courses are developed for learning MS OFFICE. These programmes spread over 02 weeks to 04 months according to requirements and choice of the learner. Regular practical exercises and INTERNAL TESTING SYSTEM (ITS) is used to assess and evaluate the progress of the learner.
Adobe Photoshop: Adobe Photoshop and other related courses are developed for learning of Adobe Photoshop. These programmes spread over 02 weeks to 04 months according to requirements and choice of the learner. Regular practical exercises and INTERNAL TESTING SYSTEM (ITS) is used to assess and evaluate the progress of the learner.
Programming Classes: Short and Long Term Computer Programming Courses are also developed. These programmes spread over 02 weeks to 04 months according to requirements and choice of the learner. Regular practical exercises and INTERNAL TESTING SYSTEM (ITS) is used to assess and evaluate the progress of the learner.
Computer Hardware: Short and Long Term Courses are available for Computer Hardware with technical guidance and assistance of Computer Engineers. These Courses are spread over 02 weeks to 04 months according to requirements and choice of the learner.
This increased activity frequently leads cardiform vélemények to swelling and inflammation in the affected lymph nodes.